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Closed Condense Systems

The closed condense system is designed to recover heat (heat and water) escaping as flash steam to the atmoshphere from cpndense tank which is open to the atmosphere. In processes where 100% condense is return to condensate tank, in other words, in the systems where steam is not directly given to product or heated place, and whole of it returns.

The hot condense filled in the closed condense tanks is directly pressurized to the steam boiler by the hot water pumps which are designed to withstand high temperatures in this system. Thus, the following advantages are provided;

  • Preventing the flash steam escaping from the condensate tank open to atmosphere,
  • Reducing consumption of conditioned water feding the boiler,
  • Reducing salt and electricity consumption for water conditioning,
  • Reducing need for surface and bottom blow-down losses,
  • Reducing loss of hear and water,
  • Since fresh water is not feed to the boiler continuously,
  • Reducing the risk of scale to occur in the boiler,
  • Reducing corrosion due to high conductivity,
  • Reducing the cleavage/punctrue effects caused by corrosive gases such as 02 and C02,
  • Preventing the use of extra steam required to decompose 02 and C02 gases.

Thus, dur to its advantages mentioned above, the closed condense system performs a saving, 15 to 20% heat and water that are lost in the plant, as well as its being an important heat recovery system that enables the steam boiler an pipelines to be long-lasting, and to continuously operate efficiently.